List of Publications

Learn more about our research and policy analysis on connections between the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement.

  • Global stocktake and the SDG midterm review as opportunities for integration (journal article)

    Global stocktake and the SDG midterm review as opportunities for integration (journal article)

    Better integration of climate action and sustainable development can help enhance the ambition of the next nationally determined contributions, as well as implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. Governments should use this year as an opportunity to emphasize the links between climate and sustainable development.

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  • The Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals: evolving connections (policy brief)

    The Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals: evolving connections (policy brief)

    Most countries have updated their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), providing new emission targets as well as outlining activities to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement. This policy brief, which builds on updated data from NDC-SDG Connections, presents a comparative analysis of how NDCs have developed over time with regards to the 2030 Agenda. It shows how evolving climate action remains strongly connected to the 2030 Agenda and its 17 goals.

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  • Sustainable Development Goal interactions through a climate lens: a global analysis (report)

    Sustainable Development Goal interactions through a climate lens: a global analysis (report)

    Interactions between key SDG targets are synergetic at the global level when pursuing efforts to limit global temperature increase to 1.5°C, according to the authors’ analysis. Their findings indicate two objectives are most beneficial for making progress on all other targets: making progress on mobilizing climate finance and Official Development Assistance (ODA) and mainstreaming climate change into national policy.

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  • Aligning climate and sustainable development finance through an SDG lens. The role of developme…

    Aligning climate and sustainable development finance through an SDG lens. The role of development assistance in implementing the Paris Agreement (journal article)

    Climate change and development are strongly interconnected. An efficient use of financial resources would thus require climate finance and development priorities to be aligned, as set out in the context of both the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

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  • The 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement: voluntary contributions towards thematic policy cohere…

    The 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement: voluntary contributions towards thematic policy coherence (journal article)

    This article explores the connections between the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda at a global level, across all NDCs, and analyses detailed connections at SDG target level for a subset of six developing countries. The article suggests ways to promote thematic coherence between both agendas and make use of this unique window of opportunity to draft NSDSs and update NDCs, making them more ambitious.

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  • Nationally Determined Contributions as instruments for promoting national development agendas? …

    Nationally Determined Contributions as instruments for promoting national development agendas? An analysis of small island developing states (SIDS) (journal article)

    The bottom-up formulation of the Nationally Determined contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement is an opportunity for countries to promote synergies between climate action and other development priorities. This paper explores to what extent the NDCs of seven Small Island Developing States reinforce national development agendas.

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  • Increasing policy coherence between NDCs and SDGs: a national perspective (policy brief)

    Increasing policy coherence between NDCs and SDGs: a national perspective (policy brief)

    The goals of the NDCs intersect both positively and negatively with the SDGs; progress on climate goals can therefore either help or hinder progress on the SDGs. The success of both can be helped by policy coherence, through which countries promote synergies and address conflicts when implementing both the NDC and SDG agendas.

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  • Missed synergies: the disconnect between climate action plans and development agendas (op-ed)

    Missed synergies: the disconnect between climate action plans and development agendas (op-ed)

    It is widely acknowledged that domestic climate plans under the UN climate process are almost impossible to compare. That is because national governments have a key role in formulating these Nationally-Determined Contributions (NDCs), and the documents thus vary considerably in scope, depth and level of detail.

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  • Connections between the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda: The case for policy coherence (Rep…

    Connections between the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda: The case for policy coherence (Report)

    The research for this working paper demonstrates that NDC actions to various extents foster synergies with national development priorities that reflect the 2030 Agenda. The research further reveals those sustainable development-related issues that are directly addressed through climate action, and those issues that are currently absent from NDC activities.

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  • The Sustainable Development Goals viewed through a climate lens (Policy Brief)

    The Sustainable Development Goals viewed through a climate lens (Policy Brief)

    This brief presents findings from a comprehensive data-driven analysis of more than 7000 climate activities extracted from 164 Nationally Determined Contributions (countries' climate action plans) under the Paris Agreement.

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  • Pathways for policy coherence in implementation of NDC and SDGs in Viet Nam and the role of civ…

    Pathways for policy coherence in implementation of NDC and SDGs in Viet Nam and the role of civil society (Policy Brief)

    This policy brief explores interlinkages between Vietnam's NDC and the National Action Plan for the Implementation of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda to identify potential opportunities and challenges for jointly meeting the commitments under the two agendas domestically.

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  • The case for connecting the implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement and the 2030 Agenda f…

    The case for connecting the implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (Policy Brief)

    Our analysis reveals that the connections between the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda should be taken into account in order to promote effective implementation and policy coherence by maximising co-benefits and systematically mediating trade-offs.

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  • Exploring connections between the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Developme…

    Exploring connections between the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (Policy Brief)

    Our analysis underscores that numerous climate activities entail synergies that may promote several SDGs at once. It shows that SDG themes such as energy, agriculture and water are particularly relevant in this context, representing the most important cross-cutting themes.

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  • Missing in climate action: concrete health activities in nationally determined contributions (J…

    Missing in climate action: concrete health activities in nationally determined contributions (Journal article)

    The NDCs reflect countries' ambitions to reduce emissions and adapt to climate impacts, taking into consideration their national circumstances and capabilities. Health is one of the top five sectors described as vulnerable in the NDCs, as the damaging effect climate change is having on health worldwide has been increasingly recognised.

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  • For the integrated realisation of the Sustainable Development Goals (Op-ed)

    For the integrated realisation of the Sustainable Development Goals (Op-ed)

    If we want to achieve worldwide sustainable development, we must steer our economic activities. But no-one should be left behind and inequality should be minimised.

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